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Valérie Bonnet, Arnaud Mercier, Gilles Siouffi
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°130/2022
Circulation des discours dans les récits complotistes
Circulation of discourses in conspiracy narratives
This issue of Mots focuses on the interdiscursive and mimetic practices at work in the discourse of conspiracy. It aims to identify the linguistic points that crystallise this circulation and to develop and share an analysis toolbox.

Angeliki Koukoutsaki-Monnier, Annabelle Seoane, Nicolas Hubé, Pierre Leroux
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°125/ 2021
Discours de haine dans les réseaux socionumériques
Hate speech on social media

Valérie Bonnet, Henri Boyer
Mots. Les langages du politique, n°111/2016
Normes et usages de la langue en politique
Standards and practices of the language in politics
This issue deals with the connections between linguistic variation in political and media discourses and the judgement this variation from the standard french may imply.